这颗陨石据揣测正在一百万年前坠落正在瑞典北极圈相近,它的陨石构造中蕴藏着一个迷人的故事。他们当时未始认识到,此次的涌现,将成为AWNL(All We Need is Love)品牌降生的症结契机。 AWNL珠宝的计划敬服陨石的宇宙发源,调和 …
AWNL将北欧文明中标志庆幸的小元素,与star-cut切割的品格晶石连接 ,醉心打制具有vintage气概本系列。 各色珠宝正在璀璨锆石,与奇丽自然晶石的照映下彰显奇特魅力,令佩带更具气概 …
Experience the delicate chain bracelets by AWNL, uniquely designed to link together elegance and luxury. Our half-chain design combines the soft sensation of gemstones with the hard …
awnl為瑞典北歐護身符珠寶品牌,專注打制現代紳士配飾。 以有数Muonionalusta隕石結合环球甄選自然水晶,透過北歐工藝與奥秘主義,創制專屬於現代男士的能量護身符,喚醒內正在气力。
当年awnl经典瑞典陨石系列,正在环球斩获了一巨额敦朴fans。始末众年的重淀,自然能量宝石和各式革新的有数材质依然成为awnl的特性,除此除外也不乏有制制的高超工艺,即日就来细细品 …
awnl这个牌子正在哪里能买到? 这个牌子现正在邦内也有一家旗舰店了,, 产物价钱跟海外的旗舰店价钱相通,然而发货地是正在邦内,物流也更速了。
Discover how our community styles AWNL jewelry pieces in their daily moments. A curated collection of authentic expressions and personal stories. Free Worldwide DeliveryDiscover the captivating allure of AWNLs meteorite bracelets. Handcrafted in …Embark on a captivating journey with Astral Conquerors, where Greek mythology …Elevate your style with AWNLs collection of double wrap and stacked bracelets …Discover the captivating allure of the universe with our Muonionalusta …Explore AWNLs curated collection of unique jewelry gifts for men and women. …Explore AWNLs curated collection of jewelry under $200. Affordable luxury …Explore AWNLs For Him collection for the perfect mens jewelry gift. From …Searching for some special couples jewelry? Shop our delicate meteorite …Indulge in AWNLs exclusive collection of jewelry priced above $500. Crafted from …At AWNL, we offer the most exquisite and stunning jewelry gifts that will make your …
始末一番小考核,awnl 确实是瑞典品牌,之晚生入邦内商场的。由于有同伴从海外也买过这个品牌,是从瑞典斯德哥尔摩发货的,况且海外ins、亚马逊上也都有。
Discover AWNLs womens jewelry collection, a blend of elegance and cosmic history. From meteorite bracelets to necklaces, each piece is a connection to the eternal. Enjoy international free shipping and a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.